Publishers Weekly reports on our presentation at the ABA’s Winter Institute (Wi7):
“Even as more consumers buy dedicated digital reading devices and tablets, a hybrid market for books is developing in which readers will buy both print and digital books.”
The article also details how the Survey indicates some opportunities for Independent Booksellers in the wake of the Borders shut-down.
Moby Lives mentions our Wi7 survey, and reports that they’ve been seeing hybrid all along.
Shelf Awareness reports a full roundup of our Wi7 presentation.
2012 Verso Survey news as mentioned in previous InVerso posts, includes:
- The Borders Effect—from Shelf Awareness and Bookselling This Week;
- Reader Interest in an Indie-Branded e-Reader—from Publishers Weekly. There is a follow-up article on indie’s “taking ebooks to the next level” here.
- The Emerging Hybrid Market—from Publishers Lunch;
Our presentation at Digital Book World this Wednesday, January 25, will discuss the Survey’s implications for the publishing industry as a whole. Join us!
For those who’d like to follow along on Twitter, the hash tag is #dbw12.