As an advertising agency, part of our job is to keep our clients up-to-date on late-breaking availabilities, good deals, and what’s newly possible. Sometimes it’s a homepage takeover, sometimes it’s a full page print ad, and sometimes it’s a prominent billboard.
We are big fans of Jeffrey Eugenides’ work and his latest book in particular. So we were thrilled when Farrar, Straus and Giroux gave us the go-ahead for a Times Square billboard for his amazing new novel, “The Marriage Plot.” OK, maybe a little surprised, but FSG has always been good at keeping us on our toes. Our design and production team had a blast working on the creative.
The board has been up for 24 hours and already the notices are coming in:
The Village Voice says it’s “Crazy… and kind of cool.”
*Peter Lattman, New York Times DealBook reporter calls it “Surprising and delightful.”
AdWeek says “FSG goes big.”
Shelf Awareness calls it “Impressive and dramatic.”
Check it out for yourself. And read the book. It really is THAT good.